JBoss Community Archive (Read Only)

GateIn Portal 3.7

Change Account Settings

To change your account information, click on the account name in the top navigation bar:

The Account Profiles form will appear:

To change your Account Profile information:

  1. **
    Select the Account Profiles tab.

  2. **
    Your User Name cannot be changed. You can change your: First Name , Last Name and Email.

  3. **
    Once the desired changes have been made, click the Save button to submit them.
    If you want to change your Password :

  1. **
    Select the Change Password tab, it will display the following form:

  2. **
    Input your current password to identify that you are the owner of this account.

  3. **
    Input your new password, it must have at least 6 characters

  4. **
    Re-enter your password in the Confirm New Password field.

  5. **
    Click the Save button to accept changes.

JBoss.org Content Archive (Read Only), exported from JBoss Community Documentation Editor at 2020-03-10 13:14:40 UTC, last content change 2012-10-09 15:03:24 UTC.